Felling lonely, isolated or would just like someone to talk to?
Our Befriending Support Service could be just what you need.
Befriender Volunteers are recruited to support you if you are feeling lonely or isolated. Having someone to regularly chat to can give us something to look forward to and reduce those feelings.
Our Befriending Service can be face to face, or over the phone, you choose.
Please be aware that this is not a home-visiting service and any face-to-face meetings will need to take place in the community.
How does it work?
Fill out the form below or someone can do it on your behalf and you will then you will get a message to let you know that you’ve been added to our waiting list. When a potential befriending match becomes available someone will give you a call to make arrangements.
Usually the first session is done over the telephone and then further calls or face-to-face sessions can be arranged between you and your befriender.

Training Academy
Our Training Academy website offers a number of interactive courses to help you learn how to manage your mental health and provide support for others.

Side by Side
Side by Side is a supportive online community where you can be yourself. We all know what it's like to struggle sometimes, but now there's a safe place to listen.
Connect with people who experience struggles at times
Our highly qualified therapists have a range of specialities and approaches as we know it is not one size fits all.